Originally posted to author's Facebook page.
Last night, my college went on lockdown for over three hours because of a threat of mass harm towards one of the most trafficked buildings on campus (“I want to shoot up kj”). When Student Assembly asked for optional classes today or for flexible deadlines for assignments and exams, they were declined the request.
I’m writing this while at my work shift at the library, where one of my own roommates hid in the basement. I do not feel okay. I can hardly sleep nor eat and the stress of the past night’s events (even as I was safely off-campus with friends) is affecting my ability to function as a student and an employee.
The only people I have heard discussing what happened last night are the students. We are scared, we are tired, and we are the ones who know that this forced normalcy is only harming our community and the other communities continuing to be victimized by gun violence. I thought asking for basic human compassion and understanding was the bare minimum, but instead, I am receiving emails asking to cover late-night work shifts, emotionless responses from the communications office towards my attempts at advocacy for my well-being, and food trucks as resources from the counseling center.
I am not surprised that I had to navigate the threat of an active shooter at school. I am not surprised that my college administration continues to fall short in supporting student mental health. I am not surprised that there isn’t a bigger deal being made about this.
I am unwilling to stay quiet.